
HANBYOL LAW, LLC provides services in an array of areas including:

  • Domestic/overseas application for patents, utility model, design, trademark, and others
  • Resolution of disputes, including domestic/overseas litigation over patent, utility model, design, trademark, etc.
  • Litigations related to patent infringement
  • Drafting the contracts related to varied intellectual property rights
  • Negotiations related to varied intellectual property rights
  • Representation in criminal cases related to varied intellectual property rights
  • Disputes related to computer programs
  • Claim for damages arising from infringement upon varied intellectual property rights and related provisional seizures
  • Injunction against infringement upon various intellectual property rights and provisional dispositional prohibiting the sale, etc
  • Drafting of contracts in regard to licenses and franchise agreements, and resolution of disputes including related litigations
  • Negotiation on the right of likeness, publicity right, etc., and resolution of disputes including related litigation
  • Resolution of disputes related to trademarks
  • Resolution of disputes arising from unfair competition and infringement upon trade secrets
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